Get food, groceries, and essentials in as little as 15 minutes.

Get food, groceries, and essentials in as little as 15 minutes.

  • 450,000+

    Residential deliveries completed across 3 continents

  • A person is holding a smartphone displaying an app featuring a multipurpose spray cleaner, with a blurred background of a room and a child.
  • A 3D image of a generic soda can.
  • 12+

    Years of innovation, launched from the labs of Google

  • Two young people in a well-lit room, characterized by cozy decor and filled bookshelves, sort through a cardboard box containing various items, including snacks, creating a relaxed and casual atmosphere.
  • 2 min 47 secs

    Fastest delivery time

Hot meals, ice cream, medicine, and more.

Whether you need a missing ingredient to save dinner or medicine for your little one, Wing makes every delivery fast and easy.

Check your address

View of an urban area from the sky

How it works

Start your order

Order in moments. Get it in minutes. Right when you need it.


Shop with our partners

Access Wing through apps you already use like Walmart and DoorDash, or Wing’s own marketplace. Just browse what you need. Note that smaller items are more likely to be available by drone delivery.


Select your delivery spot


Check your delivery countdown




Shop with our partners

Access Wing through apps you already use like Walmart and DoorDash, or Wing’s own marketplace. Just browse what you need. Note that smaller items are more likely to be available by drone delivery.

Shop with our partners
Select your delivery spot
Check your delivery countdown
Two elderly people stand outside a brick house, smiling and holding a white object shaped like a house with a blue logo, against a backdrop of stone walls and a partially visible door.

Meet the Sensmeiers

Being able to get a good meal and over-the-counter medicines by drone has been really handy and convenient… It kept us in this house a couple years longer than we would have been able to stay otherwise.


At the peak of aviation technology.

Learn more about how Wing’s highly automated drones are making delivery fast, safe, and sustainable.

A drone with multiple propellers soars against a backdrop of a bright blue sky and scattered white clouds, showcasing advanced aerial technology and innovation.


Frequently asked questions

How much space do I need for a delivery?

Why is drone delivery not available at my address?

How do Wing drones work?

How far can Wing drones fly?

How fast do Wing drones fly?

How high do Wing drones fly?

Do you deliver in bad weather?

Where’s the pilot?

Are Wing drones safe?

How is Wing regulated?

The future of delivery is here. Right on time.

With Wing, delivery’s easy, fast, and fun. Learn more and find out if Wing delivers in your area.

© 2025 Wing. The Wing logo is a trademark of Wing Aviation LLC. Copyright © Wing Aviation LLC. All rights reserved